All Packages  Class Hierarchy


Index of all Fields and Methods


add(Anchorable, Unanchorable). Method in class tadt.standard.LeftOperandSemantics
Displace (add) an Anchorable with an Unanchorable.
add(Anchorable, Unanchorable). Method in interface tadt.standard.Semantics
Displace (add) an Anchorable with an Unanchorable.
add(Interval). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Add an Interval to this Instant
add(Interval). Method in class tadt.standard.Interval
Add this Interval to another.
add(Interval). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Add an Interval to this Period
add(TimeValue). Method in class tadt.domain.TimeValue
add(Unanchorable, Anchorable). Method in class tadt.standard.LeftOperandSemantics
Displace (add) an Unanchorable with an Anchorable.
add(Unanchorable, Anchorable). Method in interface tadt.standard.Semantics
Displace (add) an Unanchorable with an Anchorable.
and(ExtendedBoolean). Method in class tadt.standard.ExtendedBoolean
And this one with another.
asInstantArray(). Method in interface tadt.standard.Anchorable
Retrieve the Instants from this AnchorablePoint.
asInstantArray(). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Retrieve the array of Instants (containing only one Instant) from this Instant.
asInstantArray(). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Retrieve the array of Instants (containing the starting and terminating Instants) from this Period.
asInstantArray(). Method in class tadt.standard.TemporalElement
Retrieve the array of Instants from this TemporalElement.
asIntervalArray(). Method in class tadt.standard.Interval
Retrieve the array of Intervals (containing only one Interval) from this interval.
asIntervalArray(). Method in interface tadt.standard.Unanchorable
Retrieve the Intervals from this Unanchorable.
asPeriodArray(). Method in interface tadt.standard.Anchorable
Retrieve the Periods from this AnchorableSegment.
asPeriodArray(). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Retrieve the array of Periods (containing only one Period) from this Period.
asPeriodArray(). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Retrieve the array of Periods (containing only this) from this Period.
asPeriodArray(). Method in class tadt.standard.TemporalElement
Retrieve the array of Periods from this TemporalElement.
asTimeValue(). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Retrieve the TimeValue from this Instant
asTimeValue(). Method in class tadt.standard.Interval
Retrieve the TimeValue from this Interval


BeginningOfTime. Static variable in class tadt.standard.SpecialInstants


cast(Anchorable). Method in class tadt.standard.Granularity
Cast to a different granularity.
cast(Granularity). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Cast this Instant to the indicated granularity.
cast(Granularity). Method in class tadt.standard.Interval
Cast this Interval to the indicated granularity.
cast(Granularity). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Cast this Period to the indicated granularity.
cast(Unanchorable). Method in class tadt.standard.Granularity
Cast to a different granularity.
contains(Anchorable, Anchorable). Method in class tadt.standard.LeftOperandSemantics
Does one Anchorable contain another?
contains(Anchorable, Anchorable). Method in interface tadt.standard.Semantics
Does one Anchorable contain another?


divide(Interval). Method in class tadt.standard.Interval
Divide this Interval by an Interval.
divide(TimeValue). Method in class tadt.standard.Interval
Divide an Interval by a constant.
divide(TimeValue). Method in class tadt.domain.TimeValue
divide(Unanchorable, TimeValue). Method in class tadt.standard.LeftOperandSemantics
Divide an Unanchorable by a TimeValue.
divide(Unanchorable, TimeValue). Method in interface tadt.standard.Semantics
Divide an Unanchorable by a TimeValue.
divide(Unanchorable, Unanchorable). Method in class tadt.standard.LeftOperandSemantics
Divide an Unanchorable by an Unanchorable.
divide(Unanchorable, Unanchorable). Method in interface tadt.standard.Semantics
Divide an Unanchorable by an Unanchorable.


earliestInstant(). Method in interface tadt.standard.Anchorable
Returns the earliest Instant in the AnchorablePoint.
earliestInstant(). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Returns the earliest (only!) Instant in the Instant.
earliestInstant(). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Returns the starting Instant in the Period.
earliestInstant(). Method in class tadt.standard.TemporalElement
Returns the earliest Instant in the TemporalElement.
earliestPeriod(). Method in interface tadt.standard.Anchorable
Returns the earliest Period in the AnchorableSegment.
earliestPeriod(). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Returns the earliest (only!) Period in the Period.
earliestPeriod(). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Returns the earliest Period in the Period.
earliestPeriod(). Method in class tadt.standard.TemporalElement
Returns the earliest Period in the TemporalElement.
EndOfTime. Static variable in class tadt.standard.SpecialInstants
enumerateInstants(). Method in interface tadt.standard.Anchorable
Create an Enumeration of Instants on the Anchorable.
enumerateInstants(). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Create an Enumeration of Instants on the Anchorable.
enumerateInstants(). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Create an Enumeration of Instants in the Anchorable.
enumerateInstants(). Method in class tadt.standard.TemporalElement
Create an Enumeration of Instants in the Anchorable.
enumerateIntervals(). Method in class tadt.standard.Interval
Create an Enumeration on the Interval.
enumerateIntervals(). Method in interface tadt.standard.Unanchorable
Create an Enumeration on the Unanchorable.
enumeratePeriods(). Method in interface tadt.standard.Anchorable
Create an Enumeration of Periods on the Anchorable.
enumeratePeriods(). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Create an Enumeration of Periods on the Anchorable.
enumeratePeriods(). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Create an Enumeration of Periods in the Anchorable.
enumeratePeriods(). Method in class tadt.standard.TemporalElement
Create an Enumeration of Periods in the Anchorable.
equals(Anchorable). Method in interface tadt.standard.Anchorable
Test for equality, needed only for supporting Hashtables, use equalTo for comparing Anchorables directly.
equals(Anchorable). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Test for equality, needed only for supporting Hashtables, use equalTo for comparing Instants directly.
equals(Anchorable). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Test for equality, needed only for supporting Hashtables, use equalTo for comparing Periods directly.
equals(Anchorable). Method in class tadt.standard.TemporalElement
Test for equality, needed only for supporting Hashtables, use equalTo for comparing TemporalElements directly.
equals(Granularity). Method in class tadt.standard.Granularity
Test for equality, needed only for supporting Hashtables, use equalTo for comparing Instants directly.
equals(Instant). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Test for equality, needed only for supporting Hashtables, use equalTo for comparing Instants directly.
equals(Interval). Method in class tadt.standard.Interval
Test for equality, needed only for supporting Hashtables, use equalTo for comparing Intervals directly.
equals(Period). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Test for equality, needed only for supporting Hashtables, use equalTo for comparing Periods directly.
equals(TemporalElement). Method in class tadt.standard.TemporalElement
Test for equality, needed only for supporting Hashtables, use equalTo for comparing TemporalElements directly.
equals(TimeValue). Method in class tadt.domain.TimeValue
The equality tester for Hashtables
equals(Unanchorable). Method in class tadt.standard.Interval
Test for equality, needed only for supporting Hashtables, use equalTo for comparing Intervals directly.
equals(Unanchorable). Method in interface tadt.standard.Unanchorable
Test for equality, needed only for supporting Hashtables, use equalTo for comparing Unanchorables directly.
equalTo(Anchorable). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Is this Instant equalTo another Anchorable? Always false since the other thing is not an Instant.
equalTo(Anchorable). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Is this Period equalTo another Anchorable? Always false since the other thing is not an Period.
equalTo(Anchorable, Anchorable). Method in class tadt.standard.LeftOperandSemantics
Is one Anchorable equalTo another? Currently this does not distinguish the "kinds" of Anchorables, although we could change this as needed to just do each kind.
equalTo(Anchorable, Anchorable). Method in interface tadt.standard.Semantics
Is one Anchorable equalTo another?
equalTo(Instant). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Is this Instant EqualTo another?
equalTo(Interval). Method in class tadt.standard.Interval
Is this Interval the same as another?
equalTo(Period). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Is this Period equalTo another?
equalTo(TimeValue). Method in class tadt.domain.TimeValue
Error(String). Static method in class tadt.internal.Internal
ExtendedBoolean(boolean). Constructor for class tadt.standard.ExtendedBoolean
Build an ExtendedBoolean from a boolean value.
ExtendedBoolean(boolean, boolean). Constructor for class tadt.standard.ExtendedBoolean
Build an ExtendedBoolean from two boolean values.


first(Anchorable). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Returns the first Instant out of an Instant and an Anchorable
first(Instant). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Returns the first Instant out of two Instants


granularity(). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Retrieve the Granularity from this Instant
granularity(). Method in class tadt.standard.Interval
Retrieve the Granularity from this Interval
Granularity(String). Constructor for class tadt.standard.Granularity
Construct a Granularity.
greaterThan(Anchorable). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Is this Instant greaterThan another Anchorable?
greaterThan(Anchorable). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Is this Period greaterThan another Anchorable?
greaterThan(Instant). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Is this Instant greaterThan another?
greaterThan(Interval). Method in class tadt.standard.Interval
Is this Interval bigger than another?
greaterThan(Period). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Is this Period greaterThan another?
greaterThan(TimeValue). Method in class tadt.domain.TimeValue
greaterThanOrEqualTo(Anchorable). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Is this Instant greaterThanOrEqualTo another Anchorable?
greaterThanOrEqualTo(Anchorable). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Is this Period greaterThanOrEqualTo another Anchorable?
greaterThanOrEqualTo(Instant). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Is this Instant greaterThanOrEqualTo another?
greaterThanOrEqualTo(Interval). Method in class tadt.standard.Interval
Is this Interval bigger than or the same as another?
greaterThanOrEqualTo(Period). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Is this Period greaterThanOrEqualTo another?
greaterThanOrEqualTo(TimeValue). Method in class tadt.domain.TimeValue


hashCode(). Method in interface tadt.standard.Anchorable
Generate the hash code value, needed for supporting Hashtables.
hashCode(). Method in class tadt.standard.Granularity
Generate the hash code value, needed for supporting Hashtables.
hashCode(). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Generate the hash code value, needed for supporting Hashtables.
hashCode(). Method in class tadt.standard.Interval
Generate the hash code value, needed for supporting Hashtables.
hashCode(). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Generate the hash code value, needed for supporting Hashtables.
hashCode(). Method in class tadt.standard.TemporalElement
Generate the hash code value, needed for supporting Hashtables.
hashCode(). Method in interface tadt.standard.Unanchorable
Generate the hash code value, needed for supporting Hashtables.
hashCode(TimeValue). Method in class tadt.domain.TimeValue
Get the hashCode for this TimeValue.
hasMoreElements(). Method in class tadt.standard.InstantsEnumeration
Does this enumeration have more elements?
hasMoreElements(). Method in class tadt.standard.IntervalsEnumeration
Does this enumeration have more elements?
hasMoreElements(). Method in class tadt.standard.PeriodsEnumeration
Does this enumeration have more elements?


image(). Method in interface tadt.standard.Anchorable
Build a nice string image of an Anchorable, for debugging mostly.
image(). Method in class tadt.standard.Granularity
Build a nice string image of a Granularity, for debugging mostly
image(). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Build a nice string image of an Instant, for debugging mostly
image(). Method in class tadt.standard.Interval
Build a nice string image of an Interval, for debugging mostly
image(). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Build a nice string image of an Period, for debugging mostly
image(). Method in class tadt.standard.TemporalElement
Build a nice string image of an TemporalElement, for debugging mostly
image(). Method in class tadt.domain.TimeValue
Create a nice string image of a time value
image(). Method in interface tadt.standard.Unanchorable
Build a nice string image of an Unanchorable, for debugging mostly.
Instant(Granularity, BigInteger). Constructor for class tadt.standard.Instant
Construct an Instant from a count of granules, known to be an BigInteger.
Instant(Granularity, TimeValue). Constructor for class tadt.standard.Instant
Construct an Instant from a TimeValue.
InstantsEnumeration(Instant[]). Constructor for class tadt.standard.InstantsEnumeration
Construct an InstantsEnumeration from an array of Instants.
Internal(). Constructor for class tadt.internal.Internal
intersection(Period). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Determine the intersection of two Periods.
Interval(Granularity, BigInteger). Constructor for class tadt.standard.Interval
Construct an Interval from a count of granules, known to be an BigInteger.
Interval(Granularity, TimeValue). Constructor for class tadt.standard.Interval
Construct an Interval from a TimeValue.
IntervalsEnumeration(Interval[]). Constructor for class tadt.standard.IntervalsEnumeration
Construct an IntervalsEnumeration from an array of Intervals.


kind(). Method in interface tadt.standard.Anchorable
What kind of Anchorable is this?
kind(). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Return the name of this class.
kind(). Method in class tadt.standard.Interval
Return the name of this class.
kind(). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Return the name of this class.
kind(). Method in class tadt.standard.TemporalElement
Return the name of this class.
kind(). Method in interface tadt.standard.Unanchorable
What kind of Unanchorable is this?


largest(). Method in class tadt.standard.Interval
Get the largest (only!) Interval in this Interval.
largest(). Method in interface tadt.standard.Unanchorable
Returns the largest Interval in the Unanchorable.
last(Anchorable). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Returns the last Instant out of an Instant and an Anchorable
last(Instant). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Returns the last Instant out of two Instants
latestInstant(). Method in interface tadt.standard.Anchorable
Returns the latest AnchorablePoint in the AnchorablePoint.
latestInstant(). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Returns the latest (only!) Instant in the Instant.
latestInstant(). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Returns the terminating Instant in the Period.
latestInstant(). Method in class tadt.standard.TemporalElement
Returns the latest Instant in the TemporalElement.
latestPeriod(). Method in interface tadt.standard.Anchorable
Returns the latest Period in the AnchorableSegment.
latestPeriod(). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Returns the latest (only!) Period in the Period.
latestPeriod(). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Returns the latest Period in the Period.
latestPeriod(). Method in class tadt.standard.TemporalElement
Returns the latest Period in the TemporalElement.
LeftOperandSemantics(). Constructor for class tadt.standard.LeftOperandSemantics
lessThan(Anchorable). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Is this Instant lessThan another Anchorable?
lessThan(Anchorable). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Is this Period lessThan another Anchorable?
lessThan(Instant). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Is this Instant lessThan another Instant?
lessThan(Interval). Method in class tadt.standard.Interval
Is this Interval smaller than another?
lessThan(Period). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Is this Period lessThan another Period?
lessThan(TimeValue). Method in class tadt.domain.TimeValue
lessThanOrEqualTo(Anchorable). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Is this Instant lessThanOrEqualTo another Anchorable?
lessThanOrEqualTo(Anchorable). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Is this Period lessThanOrEqualTo another Anchorable?
lessThanOrEqualTo(Instant). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Is this Instant lessThanOrEqualTo another?
lessThanOrEqualTo(Interval). Method in class tadt.standard.Interval
Is this Interval smaller than or the same as another?
lessThanOrEqualTo(Period). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Is this Period lessThanOrEqualTo another?
lessThanOrEqualTo(TimeValue). Method in class tadt.domain.TimeValue


Main(). Constructor for class tadt.domain.Main
Main(). Constructor for class tadt.standard.Main
main(String[]). Static method in class tadt.domain.Main
main(String[]). Static method in class tadt.standard.Main
max. Static variable in class tadt.domain.TimeValueKind
meets(Anchorable, Anchorable). Method in class tadt.standard.LeftOperandSemantics
Does one Anchorable meet another?
meets(Anchorable, Anchorable). Method in interface tadt.standard.Semantics
Does one Anchorable meet another?
min. Static variable in class tadt.domain.TimeValueKind
multiply(TimeValue). Method in class tadt.standard.Interval
Multiply an Interval by a constant.
multiply(TimeValue). Method in class tadt.domain.TimeValue
multiply(Unanchorable, TimeValue). Method in class tadt.standard.LeftOperandSemantics
Multiply an Unanchorable by a TimeValue.
multiply(Unanchorable, TimeValue). Method in interface tadt.standard.Semantics
Multiply an Anchorable by a TimeValue.


negate(). Method in class tadt.standard.Interval
Negate this Interval and return it.
negate(). Method in class tadt.domain.TimeValue
negate(Unanchorable). Method in class tadt.standard.LeftOperandSemantics
Negate an Unanchorable.
negate(Unanchorable). Method in interface tadt.standard.Semantics
Negate an Unanchorable.
newInstance(Interval[]). Method in class tadt.standard.Interval
Construct a new Instance of an Interval
newInstance(Interval[]). Method in interface tadt.standard.Unanchorable
Construct a new Instance of this Unanchorable.
newInstance(String, Instant[]). Method in interface tadt.standard.Anchorable
Construct a new instance of this Anchorable, Unanchorable combination.
newInstance(String, Instant[]). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Construct a new instance of an Instant, Interval combination
newInstance(String, Instant[]). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Construct a new instance of a Period, Interval combination
newInstance(String, Instant[]). Method in class tadt.standard.TemporalElement
Construct a new instance of a TemporalElement, Interval combination
newInstance(String, Period[]). Method in interface tadt.standard.Anchorable
Construct a new instance of this Anchorable, Unanchorable combination.
newInstance(String, Period[]). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Construct a new instance of an Instant, Interval combination
newInstance(String, Period[]). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Construct a new instance of a Period, Interval combination
newInstance(String, Period[]). Method in class tadt.standard.TemporalElement
Construct a new instance of a TemporalElement, Interval combination
nextElement(). Method in class tadt.standard.InstantsEnumeration
Retrieve the next Instant from this Period.
nextElement(). Method in class tadt.standard.IntervalsEnumeration
Retrieve the next Interval
nextElement(). Method in class tadt.standard.PeriodsEnumeration
Retrieve the next Period
normal. Static variable in class tadt.domain.TimeValueKind
not(ExtendedBoolean). Method in class tadt.standard.ExtendedBoolean


or(ExtendedBoolean). Method in class tadt.standard.ExtendedBoolean
Or this one with another.
overlaps(Anchorable, Anchorable). Method in class tadt.standard.LeftOperandSemantics
Does one Anchorable overlap another? This is true iff there is some Period in the Anchorable that overalps some Period in the other Anchorable.
overlaps(Anchorable, Anchorable). Method in interface tadt.standard.Semantics
Does one Anchorable overlap another?
overlaps(Period). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Does this Period overlap another?


Period(Granularity, Instant, Instant). Constructor for class tadt.standard.Period
Construct a Period from a pair of Instants.
Period(Granularity, Instant[]). Constructor for class tadt.standard.Period
Construct a Period from an array of Instants and a Granularity.
Period(Instant, Instant). Constructor for class tadt.standard.Period
Construct a Period from a pair of Instants.
Period(Instant[]). Constructor for class tadt.standard.Period
Construct a Period from an array of Instants.
PeriodsEnumeration(Period[]). Constructor for class tadt.standard.PeriodsEnumeration
Construct an PeriodsEnumeration from an array of Periods.
precedes(Anchorable, Anchorable). Method in class tadt.standard.LeftOperandSemantics
Does one Anchorable precede another?
precedes(Anchorable, Anchorable). Method in interface tadt.standard.Semantics
Does one Anchorable precede an Anchorable?


satisfied(). Method in class tadt.standard.ExtendedBoolean
scale(Anchorable). Method in class tadt.standard.Granularity
Scale to a different granularity.
scale(Granularity). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Scale this Instant to the indicated granularity.
scale(Granularity). Method in class tadt.standard.Interval
Scale this Interval to the indicated granularity.
scale(Granularity). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Scale this Period to the indicated granularity.
scale(Unanchorable). Method in class tadt.standard.Granularity
Scale to a different granularity.
smallest(). Method in class tadt.standard.Interval
Get the smallest (only!) Interval in this Interval.
smallest(). Method in interface tadt.standard.Unanchorable
Returns the smallest Interval in the Unanchorable.
SpecialInstants(). Constructor for class tadt.standard.SpecialInstants
subtract(Anchorable, Unanchorable). Method in class tadt.standard.LeftOperandSemantics
Displace (subtract) an Anchorable with an Unanchorable.
subtract(Anchorable, Unanchorable). Method in interface tadt.standard.Semantics
Displace (subtract) an Anchorable with an Unanchorable.
subtract(Instant). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Subtract an Instant from this Instant
subtract(Interval). Method in class tadt.standard.Instant
Subtract an Interval from this Instant
subtract(Interval). Method in class tadt.standard.Interval
Subtract another Interval from this one.
subtract(Interval). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Subtract an Interval from this Period
subtract(TimeValue). Method in class tadt.domain.TimeValue
subtract(Unanchorable, Anchorable). Method in class tadt.standard.LeftOperandSemantics
Displace (subtract) an Unanchorable with an Anchorable
subtract(Unanchorable, Anchorable). Method in interface tadt.standard.Semantics
Displace (subtract) an Unanchorable with an Anchorable.


TemporalElement(Period[]). Constructor for class tadt.standard.TemporalElement
Construct a TemporalElement from an array of Periods.
TimeValue(int). Constructor for class tadt.domain.TimeValue
A special TimeValue only needs a kind
TimeValue(int, BigInteger). Constructor for class tadt.domain.TimeValue
A normal time value needs a kind a granule count
TimeValueKind(). Constructor for class tadt.domain.TimeValueKind


union(Period). Method in class tadt.standard.Period
Determine the union of two Periods.
unsatisfied(). Method in class tadt.standard.ExtendedBoolean


Warning(String). Static method in class tadt.internal.Internal